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GSI ROM type 구분

by Oh.mogilalia 2023. 10. 6.


information about what type of GSI it is


<ARCH> can either be arm, a64 or arm64
x can either be a or b
y can either be v, o, g or f
Z can be N or S

b = a/b
a = a-only

g = gapps
o = gapps-go
v = vanilla (no gapps included)
f = floss (free & open source apps instead gapps)

N = no superuser
S = superuser included

so in most common example "arm64_avN" is ARM64 A-only vanilla with no superuser
Z is dynamic superuser - root can be enabled/disabled during use.
lite means /system is read/write (not compressed so much bigger size)