mount5 우분투 서버 변경 사항 bashrc mount ls color 변경--------------nano ~/.bashrc 마지막 줄에 추가export LS_COLORS='di=0:fi=0'편집 후 source ~/.bashrc 적용---------------USB 외장HDD mount와 umount---------------mount할 때mtu.shumount 헐 때 2024. 5. 23. BoxQ 외장 HDD 마운트 #!/bin/bash mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /home/usb1 ; mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb3 /home/usb2 2024. 5. 16. USB-HDD 마운트 mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/usb eject /dev/sdb1 cp -r -v /media/hdd3/Netflix/Monarch\ Legacy\ of\ Monsters/ /media/usb/ 2024. 3. 19. USB 외장 HDD mount sudo mount.ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/usb sudo eject /media/usb sudo unmount /media/usb 2023. 11. 26. ubuntu dvd mount cd /media Now create a folder to mount the DVD into sudo mkdir mydvd Finally, mount the DVD using the following command: sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/mydvd The DVD will be mounted and you can navigate to the media/mydvd folder and perform a directory listing within the terminal window. cd /media/mydvd ls -lt How To Unmount The DVD Using The Command Line To unmount the DVD all you have to do is run.. 2017. 5. 21. 이전 1 다음